Karen Ribeiro Oliveira presented her Undegraduate Final Project entitled “Análise de Diferentes Abordagens para Modelagem, Simulação e Controle de Curvas Coordenadas” (Analysis of Different Approaches for Modeling, Simulation and Control of Coordinated Curves). She was supervised by Prof. Maria Cecilia Pereira and Prof. Patrícia Pena. The commitee was composed by the supervisors, Lucas […]
Yearly archives: 2021
3 posts
Michel Rodrigo had his Qualification Exam entitled “Discrete-Event Systems Subject to Cyber Attacks”, developed under Prof. Patrícia Pena’s supervision and Prof. Karen Rudie (Queen’s University, Canada) co-supervision. The comitee was composed by Prof. Patrícia Pena, Prof. Karen Rudie, Prof. Lilian Kawakami Carvalho, Prof. Ricardo Hiroshi Caldeira Takahashi, and Prof. Carlos […]
Lucas Vinícius Ribeiro Alves presented his Doctoral Thesis intitled “Application of Synchronizing Automata on the Security of Discrete Event Systems” or, in Portuguese, “Aplicação de Autômatos Sincronizáveis na Segurança de Sistemas a Eventos Discretos”. Lucas was oriented by prof. Patrícia Pena. The committee was composed by the prof. Pena, prof. Vinicius […]