XXII Congresso Brasileiro de Automática – 9/9/2018 to 12/9/2018
The master student Gustavo Rafael, the PhD candidate Lucas Alves and Prof. Patrícia Pena attended the XXII Congresso Brasileiro de Automática, the most important Brazilian control conference. At the conference, each one gave a talk:
- Sincronização em Sistemas a Eventos Discretos (Synchronization in Discrete Event Systems) co-authored by Lucas Alves and Prof. Patrícia Pena (Lucas presented).
- A Teoria de Controle Supervisório Aplicada à Seleção do Layout de um Cluster Tool (The TCS to assist the Selection of Layout on a Cluster Tool), co-authored by Márcio Nunes and Prof. Patrícia Pena (Patrícia presented)
- A New Approach on Sequence Generation fo Discrete Event Systems Scheduling Optimization Problems, co-authored by Gustavo Rafael and Prof. Patrícia Pena (Gustavo presented).

We had a lot of fun, meeting friends, talking about research and also drinking some wine.